Macarons Set: Baking Video Guide + 30 filling recipes

Macarons Set: Baking Video Guide + 30 filling recipes

This set includes the fullest video lesson and baking guide ebook on making French Macarons with 3 different fillings, and collection of 30 delicious macaron fillings.


At first glance, the recipe seems straightforward, it is available on any culinary website or in a cookbook. However, several crucial elements can lead to mishaps when overlooked. We sharpened our perfect technique over 7 years, experimenting with baking modes, mixing motions, and various nut flours. We have merged all this experience and created this guide for preparing these finicky French delicacies consistently perfectly. Follow each step, not missing any detail, and we guarantee they will turn out perfect every time!


Macarons fillings in video tutorial: Pina Colada, Lemon-Mint with Raspberry, Spiced Chocolate Cranberry.
Fillings in e-book: Blackcurrant; Tonka bean with cherry; Goat cheese, fig, and raspberry; Hazelnut and lemon; Sea buckthorn and orange; Blue cheese and pear; Strawberry cheesecake; Caramel; Chocolate, rum, prune, and vanilla; Pistachio; Snickers; Coffee with banana; Passion fruit and chocolate, and other flavors.


Are you looking to make macarons for the first time and unsure where to start? Have you been trying repeatedly but can't seem to get it right? Dreaming of mastering the art like the best pastry chefs? Want them to turn out perfect every time? We've prepared a detailed video lesson and a full guide with all the details — 29 pages of crucial information and answers to the most popular questions, from choosing almond flour, oven or and pastry bags, to why the macarons explode and whether you can freeze them, and collection of 30 delicious macaron fillings.


Watch the free video lesson on our YouTube channel

and get the detailed guide to learn how to make perfect macarons every time!

€ 50,00 € 35,00

Course Details

  • After making the purchase, you will have immediate access to all the materials in your profile
  • This course includes a video tutorial, a 29-page macarons baking guide e-book, and 30 macarons filling recipe e-book
  • Video duration: 25 minutes
  • Language: English, Russian, Latvian
  • One-time payment, unlimited lifetime access

Required Tools: oven, digital scale, digital thermometer for the syrup, coffee grinder or food processor, medium to large sieve, fine sieve, small saucepan, several medium-sized bowls, mixer (preferably stand mixer with a whisk and a paddle attachment), hand blender (preferably emulsifying), whisk, silicone spatula, tall plastic glass/jar (1-2L / 35-70 fl OZ), flat containers (for the ganache), cling film, disposable pastry bags (30-40 cm / 12-15”), round tips for pastry bag (approximately 8-12 mm / 0.3-0.5”), Teflon or silicone baking mats, perforated baking sheets (optional), macaron cooling rack, storage containers, rubbing alcohol, vodka or white vinegar for cleaning mats.